

Volunteering with our Partner Projects

Holy Trinity partners up with various charitable projects.  And we’re working to find ways to make them more accessible to you: to those with busy lives; to the younger and older members of our congregation. Use these links to find out more.

 South London Refugee Assocation


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 Merton Winter Night Shelter


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 Faith in Action Homelessness Project


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 Wimbledon Foodbank


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And a bit more encouragement to join in...

Compassion and Service are core Christian values.

Compassion is about putting yourself in someone else's shoes, experiencing what they experience, which leads to a desire to act - to do something.

And that something might be Service; Jesus said that he came 'not to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many' (Mark 10:45).

Jesus washed the feet of his disciples at the last supper.  This reflects Jesus' meaning of Service - serving God means serving others.  This might involve sacrifice: putting ourselves out for someone else's benefit.

Sometimes, in this busy world, with days filled up with work, family, chores, the media, or all of these, it is difficult to put time aside for, or even give any thought to, anything or anyone else…to follow Jesus in making that first sacrificial step.

So, think of the real benefits you could bring to others – giving something back to one person, or a group of people - making a difference to others’ lives (even if a little difference, it makes no odds; it might just be the lightening of someone’s load so that it doesn’t become unbearable).

That’s what an act of volunteering can do.  And it’s not just about those you are helping.  In doing this, YOU will be valued, a member of a team.  It might help you to gain a different dimension to life outside work and family commitments; it could give you new skills; it might do wonders to your confidence, or just give you a chance to socialise and meet new people.

So, have a think about it – taking that first step could lead to you enriching not only the life of someone else, but your own. 

Please join with us in taking that first step.  Volunteer.  It’s good for the soul.